Roses, Sweet Roses: Learning How to Live Beyond Fear
“What was said to the rose that made it open was said to me, here in my heart.” Rumi
Hello Everyone,
I hope this newsletter finds you and finds you well. It has been said that one who is afraid, dies a little every day. I’ve been pondering this and also examining just how much fear is cycling through our lives, as a culture, on a daily basis. I don’t need to go into the fear that the media produces, I’m sure you’re well aware. But are you aware of the effect this constant barrage of dread and panic has on your psyche or your emotional and vibrational state? I’ve taken some time off recently to reset myself for this next calendar year. And what has come to me is this idea of the predictable future and the familiar past. Think about that for a second. How many times have you had a dream or a goal and then put a mental “picture” on it only to find, when it comes to pass, it actually looks nothing like what you had envisioned. Sometimes your outcome may be good, sometimes it may be disappointing. But rarely is your prediction exactly as you had imagined. Yet we all spend so much energy in this prediction phase. And these mental pictures for our future are largely produced from our familiar past. Whether we made mistakes in the past and are working to change that from happening to us again or whether we really loved the way some event went for us and are trying to recreate it. We are often, myself included, in a constant state of attachment and avoidance; the predictable future and the familiar past. As the spiritual teacher Anand says, “the present is enslaved by the past and what you want in the future and so, life slips by and you never actually live it.”
In my life, I’ve seen this cycle play out time and time again especially with housing. When it comes time to move because our lease is up, the rent is too high, our landlord is selling the house or Abby and I just up and decide to move to a new land, I go into a state of attaching to what I want based largely on what I don’t want which, in turn, is based largely on me trying desperately to avoid a feeling from the past that was untenable. So I’m trying to manifest from a place of fear. Which, my friends, never works. And it’s amazing how much I’ve been able to manifest thus far. If I, you, we give ourselves permission to manifest and create from a place of trust, imagine what can be possible. But in order to do this, we must get out of the cycle of the predictable future and the familiar past.
“ Rose says, “I’m teaching you how to live. I’m showing you how to have autonomy in your life through self-care, self-love and self-acceptance.” Roses don’t bloom because it makes us happy or because we love to look at her and smell her and give her to our loved ones. Those are wonderful benefits of her medicine. But rose says she blooms because she must. The flower is her expression of self-love. Her stalk is her strength bringing up nutrients from the soil and feeding her in harmony with the earth. Her thorns are her boundaries. And her flowers are her expression of her own internal medicine. This is the way to live.”
At this point you may be wondering what roses have to do with any of this. I can assure you the medicine of the rose has absolutely everything to do with learning how to live. The rose teaches us how to love ourselves without limit. She insists on it actually. Rose says, “I’m teaching you how to live. I’m showing you how to have autonomy in your life through self-care, self-love and self-acceptance.” Roses don’t bloom because it makes us happy or because we love to look at her and smell her and give her to our loved ones. Those are wonderful benefits of her medicine. But rose says she blooms because she must. The flower is her expression of self-love. Her stalk is her strength bringing up nutrients from the soil and feeding her in harmony with the earth. Her thorns are her boundaries. And her flowers are her expression of her own internal medicine. This is the way to live. Find your internal stalk. Stand tall in sacred union with the earth, allowing mother earth to feed and support you and to love you like her child. And create the boundaries you need in your life in order to allow your medicine to blossom forth for all to benefit. This is a very self-loving way to live. And, of course, me doing it gives you permission to do it and you doing it gives someone else permission to do it and so on and so on.
It’s time for the teachings of the sacred feminine to rise up and blossom in our world. I see this happening and I see the support for it from Rose, from the ancient teachings, from the smile on my little friend Elohi’s face. It’s everywhere really; self-love, self-care, self-acceptance, this is our way forward. And this is our way out of the cycles of suffering with the predictable past and the familiar future. We can cut this cycle and move into the moment by tuning into ourselves with love. Then we’re present to create whatever we desire. How beautiful! There is always movement in nature yet nothing is restless. It’s about being present in our lives through love that we will find our peace and manifest our true dreams.
Sweet, sweet blessings to you!