Energetic Circuit Training: Continuing The Vibrational Update
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.” Rumi
Hello Everyone,
I hope this newsletter finds you and finds you well. I woke up this morning thinking back to the pre-pandemic days when I would go to the gym and do something called “circuit training”. The idea was to go from one exercise to another every couple of minutes with a small interval of rest in between. It was an efficient way to keep my cardio up and burn fat at the same time. The idea of training in these circuits was to build endurance. Mostly I just felt sore all the time but it was fun! I realize now, as I reflect on the past several years, we, as a collective, have been going through an energetic circuit training. I’ve spoken about vibrational shifts and updates before. But I truly believe we are in the middle of an energetic update so grand in scope that it’s almost invisible to the naked eye. Like a fish that asks, ‘what water’, we are all in the middle of a shift so deep that we can’t see we are moving. We’re on the energetic circuits getting pushed and prodded and tossed around like a sock in the dryer. We’re being wrung out and excavated and ultimately, as Lena Stevens the astrologer says, “we are being worked by the inevitable…” And when this happens, it’s easy to loose sight of what we have said yes to and to feel disempowered in our disillusion. We are, after all, on a rock spinning through space. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we are in charge of it all.
The Power of Prayer: Buddhist prayer for filthy dam water at Fujiwara dam, 1995
But we are in charge. We are saying yes to these circuits and to these updates. We are the entire ocean in a drop. And this is the time to drag any last, lingering old feeling of victimhood out of your closet and burn it down. Because these lower vibrations, whether pointed inwardly toward yourself or outwardly toward others are doing absolutely nothing to serve humanity. The Dalai Lama says if we taught every 8 year old in the world how to meditate, we would eliminate violence from the world in one generation. I say, if we can all take responsibility for what we are creating in our lives, we can eliminate blame and shame and live in compassion now.
A couple of decades ago, Dr. Masaru Emoto the Japanese scientist demonstrated how kindness and compassion and good intentions could result in aesthetically pleasing molecular formations in water. He also showed how ill intentions could form disfigured formations in that same water. We are mostly water and it strikes me that now, more than ever, it’s time to treat ourselves and each other with tender care and loving kindness so that each of us on a molecular level can thrive. We can grow and blossom in a harmonious inner environment or we can delude ourselves with fear and blame and become disfigured. I believe this is what this wild and crazy time in our world is for right now. We are being asked to choose how we want to treat our inner world and our outer world. We are creating all of it. And the choice is ours. Ask yourself, what kind of world will I create?
Sweet, Sweet Blessings to you,
Water Blessing Song: