Parenting Yourself: Awakening the True Mother and Father Within
Hello Everyone,
I hope the message finds you and finds you well. Happy June! We are in between mother’s day and father’s day as well as a lunar eclipse (your inner feminine world) and a solar eclipse (your outer masculine world). This is a very potent time and a wonderful time to slow down, relax and reflect on what you have left behind over the past 6 months. What can you no longer continue to do? Who can you no longer continue to be? And what are you no longer willing to feel? What has your past taught you? Every single moment up to this exact moment in time, no matter how tough, has helped shape who you are now and is a part of your growth. Much like a torrent of water shaping and reshaping the river’s edge or the ocean’s floor, your struggles and trials have made you this person you are now.
“The difficult times offer you an opportunity to nurture yourself like a mother would nurture you. They teach you how to shine light and hold space for your growth like a father would hold space. These divine energies of mother and father are inherent in all of us. The maternal energy represented by the moon and our internal world coupled with the paternal energy represented by the sun and our outer expression are available at all times. These are universal energies.”
Your past has taught you how to become more of your own parent. Your struggles, no matter how challenging, allow you the opportunity to love and accept yourself more deeply, much like a true parent would. The difficult times offer you an opportunity to nurture yourself like a mother would nurture you. They teach you how to shine light and hold space for your growth like a father would hold space. These divine energies of mother and father are inherent in all of us. The maternal energy represented by the moon and our internal world coupled with the paternal energy represented by the sun and our outer expression are available at all times. These are universal energies. Some of you may not have had good relationships with either or both of your parents in this life. But there are always these universal, divine energies to help protect you and to guide you into being your own, true parent.
Amma, the hugging saint says, “The essence of motherhood is not restricted to women who gave birth: it is a principe inherent in both women and men. It is the attitude of the mind. It is love-and that love is the very breath of life. No one would say, ‘I will breathe only when I am with my family and friends; I won’t breathe in front of my enemies.’ Similarly, for those in whom motherhood has awakened, love and compassion towards everyone is as much part of their being as breathing.”
I feel the divine masculine fatherly energy of our outer expression can be encompassed by this short quote from the Dali Lama, “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Simple enough. Our outer expression needs to come from loving kindness at all times, this is enlightened masculinity. We all have both masculine and feminine energies within each of us. And we are being guided all the time. But we have to drop our old stories of lack of what we didn’t receive in order to receive what is right in front of us; Guidance and Love from the universe. Sometimes we don’t see the forrest for the trees. Sometimes we’re so busy with what we want to achieve that we don’t see what we have. Sometimes our stories of pain from the past keep us from living in the miraculous present where literally anything is possible.
When you find yourself in an old story of pain or lack or a low vibrational energy, try tuning into divine mother energy and divine father energy. This is especially helpful when you’re feeling lost, confused or muddled. I imagine sitting on the porch with my loving kindness and patience. I crawl into the lap of these energies and let them rock me. I surrender to the love inside and weep or laugh or just let myself be. I go home to my true nature. I allow myself to remember how to parent myself.
So as we all go through the birth canal of this year’s eclipse season, allow yourself to be birthed into a world where you are your own mother and your own father. Allow yourself to come home to that porch of nurturing and patience within all of us. Teach your children how to do this as well. Finding this type of daily compassion for yourself will change the world, one simple loving moment at a time. Treat yourself with tender care and loving kindness and watch the miracle of your life unfold!
Sweet, Sweet Blessings to you,