This Moment.
This Moment
“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.” Bob Dylan
Hello Everyone,
It is said that there is only one moment in time. And it is right now. And it actually just repeats itself over, and over, and over and over; forever. This moment in time for us as a collective, as a human culture, has never happened in our lifetimes. We are alive in this moment; a time that, if nothing else, will keep us all awake. That’s a start to living in the moment you know; being awake. Staying alert and paying attention to your life, your community and your world; this is the first step. So, the pandemic has gotten our attention. Check! What’s next?
“In support of this time, I am offering individual readings at a reduced rate of $150 ($100 off the normal price). My intention is that you reach out to get a clearing of your energy field and a grounding into your new normal and a connection to your spirit when you hear the call. Also, all digital downloads in my store will remain free during this time as well.”
Most of us are working from home now, we are limited in our movements in the outer world and our free time has drastically increased. With this extra time comes what may feel like forced introspection. A time to knock off that ‘to do list’ that’s been hanging on your refrigerator forever. Or a time to just be with what is. A time to sit outside and listen to the wind in the trees, connect with the plants in your yard or just stare at your cat or dog. And during this great pause in humanity’s outward drive, a river of change is flowing from deep inside the earth and from deep within each one of us. Can you feel it? We are here, and this moment has our attention. And we are feeling a shift; some of us, perhaps for the first time in a long time are actually feeling. This inward and outward shift is essential to tune into. Because this felt sense of shift is our fuel for change.
We are being asked now to know our truth, to claim it and to stand in it. Each one of us has an inner truth; a core if you will. And now, more than ever, is our time to stand in our true center.
I’ve gotten this message so much lately. It just keeps coming in, “find your truth, claim it and stand in it.” Finding your truth can be simple. It should be simple really. For instance, you may be trying to chill out and watch Netflix one afternoon. But you feel funny about it. Perhaps some self-judgement is arising. And you hear yourself say to yourself, “hey, everybody else is doing it!” But somewhere, deep inside you, the river in you is moving and fueling another option. You may find yourself in the middle of your inner Netflix dialogue involuntarily glance at your ukulele. “Yeah, that, you think, I wanted to learn that…” And, just like that, you’ve heard from your truth. Simple, subtle, and sweet. “I wanted to learn that.” So, you’re present, you’re fueled by a collective felt sense of change, and now you know your truth. It’s a beginning. The next step is to Trust your truth. (Because, let’s face it, you’ve heard it before and not listened to it for a while now.) So this time, you listen. We can change at any moment. We can drop an old pattern and leave at any time. And since there is only one moment in time, do it now. Pick up the ukulele! Knowing your truth doesn’t only apply to the big ticket items like ‘what should I do with my life?’ In fact, how could you know the big stuff if you haven’t developed the muscle memory with all the little aspects of your life?
I know that it seems like the world is in chaos, and perhaps your inner world is full of chaos at times as well. This is the time to create a simple sense of empowerment by listening to your truth, each moment of each day as much as possible. This is how we create inner (and outer) change. And, I believe that is what this time is about. We will go forward to a new normal that none of us can quite see right now. The real question is will you feel the rain drops along the way or will you just feel wet?
I really feel like this time is about surrendering control where you can. We are living in a big ‘I don’t know’ at this time and it’s worldwide. But if we can claim our inner truth, our inner knowingness, we won’t feel out of control.
In support of this time, I am offering individual readings at a reduced rate of $150 ($100 off the normal price). My intention is that you reach out to get a clearing of your energy field and a grounding into your new normal and a connection to your spirit when you hear the call. Also, all digital downloads in my store will remain free during this time as well. This is my way of supporting you :)
I send you all blessings, health and so much love!
Sweet Blessings,