Trembling at the Mouth of this Ocean of Change
Khalil Gibran
“It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.”
Hello Everyone,
This poem really reminded me of what we are going through right now, as a collective. I feel we are all trembling at the mouth of this ocean of change we are entering. And, I feel so much dichotomy in each moment. For instance, when I tune into myself, I feel happy, at peace and free in a new way that I can’t quite put my finger on. Perhaps some of you have felt the same. For me, the collective sense of peace I feel comes from what I call a universal permission to just be. To be in the moment and be in love with the moment. How beautiful! And at the same time, there is this collective sense of fear that feeds off of itself like….well, like a virus. The fear seems to be screaming, “We can’t change, so now what will happen is…….!” Fear never really finishes the threat so you can just insert your own worst fears into the sentence above.
But still, we have our little river selves flowing along, wishing and hoping and praying for more. We wonder as our river selves if we’re separate or not. We dare to dream about being part of a vast whole ocean, then we freak out a bit and go back to flowing downstream blindly. But underneath it all, our river self knows. We have been propelled forward all along; going some where. We have an inherent knowledge that we are part of all of it; that one day we will be joined again with great spirit, source, God, all. And in that moment we feel both at peace and scared shitless. Why both? Because we are human and we have egos that tell us we are separate. And because we have come here to remember the truth. We are part of all of it; the rivers, the ocean, the sky the earth, the trees the animals, each other.
“Take a risk now and Remember you are part of a great healing taking place on our planet. And the only thing you need do is stay in your heart”
This time of dichotomy is perfect really. We are encouraged to keep our distance from each other so we don’t spread the potential virus. Fair enough. But what I see happening is that in this social distancing, we are becoming more collective, more human, more whole. I feel we needed permission to go inward a bit in order to merge more into our hearts, collectively. This collective heart merging Is our humanity. And because of this forced time of introspection, we are “seeing” our footprint being lifted off the earth. We are “seeing” the rivers clear and canals in Italy clear, and we are able to see the pollution in China lift. The earth and the ocean and rivers are healing themselves remarkably fast, as will we. Because we are not separate.
Take a risk now and Remember you are part of a great healing taking place on our planet. And the only thing you need do is stay in your heart. Stick your head out the window and shout your love or sing your song. Viruses feed off low vibrations like fear, worry and panic. Stay in a higher vibration by playing a little. Remember you are safe and cared for and loved. Remember there is enough for all of us. Remember the vast ocean of your heart!
Sweet, Sweet Blessings,
To support you during this Ocean of Change, the meditations offered
here in the online store will be available for download free of charge.