Dealing with Change
“The biggest lie the darkness tells us is that it’s permanent.”
Kat Courtney
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a few months since I wrote a newsletter and I’m hoping this one finds you and finds you well. There have been so many topics I’ve wanted to write about over the past few months. But it seemed each time I’d sit to write one, another, more pertinent topic would arise and cancel the current one out. Like waves lapping on the sand, cleaning, clearing and changing the landscape of the shoreline, my thoughts would simply be washed clean. And so it goes that I find myself writing to you now about Change. Ironic? Well, I like to keep a good sense of humor about these things. I chose this quote from my dear friend and soul sister Kat because I feel it truly encompasses so much of this past year. It’s been almost a year since we all learned about Covid and lockdowns and quarantines. And as we enter 2021, what I’ve noticed is the world seems to be speeding up and slowing down all at the same time. One week I’ll have an emotionally heavy day or two or three where I feel like I am stuck in the mud and nothing is moving forward in my life. And the next day, or hour, I’m flying high above it all with a newfound understanding of what my spirit and I are doing, where we are going and how it’s all so absolutely beautiful and perfect. It reminds me of operating a self-propelled lawnmower. Life seems to be speedily cutting the grass quite beautifully then suddenly, out of nowhere, I’ll hit a thick patch and the whole mower just starts to gurgle and sputter and then quit. So, once again, I crank the mower back up and begin again. But each time I start over, each time I move forward, I feel like I’m moving forward with a little more grace and fluidity than before.
I think this is the point really. We are being pushed and prodded and slowed and halted and shoved and pulled but always, above all else every time, we are being guided. We have, and have always had, at our disposal, now and forever, divine guidance in the face of all our shadows. As my friend Kat says, “silly shadows, they’re only just passing through.” And it’s true. So many times I will have a heavy feeling or detect a “shadow” aspect of myself emerge. And the lie is that it feels like I will feel this way forever. But, like clouds passing over the sun; these obscurations are only temporary. I have the great good fortune to work with so many beautiful souls each week in my sessions. And I have the ability to widen back with the help of spirit to see an overview of so much of life. Now, I’m not saying that I am able to just live in this wonderful state of enlightenment. Quite the opposite in fact, I’m reminded every day of my own shadows and my own humanness. And I see every day this one, continuing truth in me and in all my clients: shadows need light like just like shame needs to be witnessed.
We exile shadows from the surface of our lives because we haven’t been able to shine the light of our consciousness on them. These are the rough patches of grass that clog up our self-propelled mowers. Shadows whisper in the background of our lives, taking little pieces of our foundation away like a jenga tower, until finally you fall over. And this, my friends, is what happened last year. We all, collectively and at the same time, hit a rough patch of grass and just fell over and it all stopped working. You may be seeing this pattern repeat on a smaller scale in your daily life now. You may have days or weeks where you’re going along at a good, peaceful flow in your life and then, BAM, out of nowhere you’re under a wave again. That’s the shadow passing through and I encourage you to take those times, when you’re under the wave and take a peek at what you’re telling yourself. What are the messages you are actually sending yourself in the dark, underneath it all? I know for me, I’ve been getting some very rapid insights into my patterning lately. As if suddenly I’m privy to the inner workings of my psyche that have previously eluded me. These are special times indeed! Take advantage of the momentum when it presents itself to you.
As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Shine the light of your attention onto these shadows so the darkness can transmute into your light. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that we are collectively experiencing these fits and starts together at this time. I feel like our spirits, collectively, took out the pieces of our jenga tower that were no longer working and supported us while we toppled into this new version of ourselves we find staring back at us in the mirror of 2021. I believe that our humanity is updating and this is how we’re doing it. So be kind to yourself and your fellow humans out there; we’re all just doing our best to update with as much grace and ease as possible.
Have a beautiful rest of the month!
Sweet Blessings,
P.S. If you’d like to see me address a topic in an up and coming newsletter or video, please let me know. If you could, just send me a brief email about your topic, question or area of concern. : )