Calling All Empaths
TO FEEL OR NOT TO FEEL: Calling All Empaths
“To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate.” - Anthon St. Maarten
Hello Everyone,
The subject I feel called to write to you about this month is empathic awareness. Many of you may not realize that you are an empath. So, what is an empath exactly? An empath is a person with the extraordinary ability to perceive another person’s mental or emotional state to the point where they may take on these emotions as their own. And with the world seemingly changing under our feet every day, what a time to be empathic! So many people can’t keep up with all of the feelings they are having or, they are simply unable to feel all that they have coming up and into their psyches. For those of us that are empathic, especially now, it is like wearing a wool sweater in a room full of cats. We are ‘picking up all the discarded emotional debris from others, in the form of feelings, and processing them for the collective. The problem is, you may not know you’re doing this. You may just think you are overwhelmed, ungrounded, heavy, sad, complacent, angry, nervous, anxious, depressed or even frozen with fear. Does any of this sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve always been like this but now, more than ever, these feelings are amping up.
“It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled.” Anthon St. Maarten
I’m not here to tell you that you don’t have your own share of the afore- mentioned feelings. But being an empath also means that you have the ability to feel how other people are feeling; even if and, perhaps when, they don’t know they are feeling a certain way. You may sense, not only other people’s feelings, but also their thoughts and even their energy. And, this empathic ability extends to animals as well. Empaths are great animal communicators. In fact, every empath I know is very good at talking to plants as well. Empaths feel their psychic information. It’s called being clairsentient. This is a beautiful gift. And like all gifts, there will be a learning curve. Being an empath means you are also an emotional, and sometimes energetic, sponge. And like all sponges, you need to wring yourself out from time to time or you will get bogged down. The best way I have found to work with this gift is to first understand you have a gift. People love having an empath around because you do a lot of the heavy lifting for others in the form of processing their unprocessed feelings. Remember, you are feeling all the feelings in the room. That being said, you can also realize this pattern and give the emotions back to your friends, partners and family. It’s easy enough really, as long as you realize it’s all energy in the first place. So, separating your energy with others is a must for you. And, allowing others to simply ‘not know’ how they feel instead of trying to help them by assuming the responsibility. Be careful not to step into victimhood here. It can easily feel like all this is happening to you. But remember, you have a gift and with it comes a responsibility of knowledge.
“May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be filled with love.May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be filled with love.”
Look at why you feel the need to make others feel better at the cost of your own feelings. Look at why, perhaps you put other people’s needs in front of your own. And then, with all the loving kindness in your heart, hand it back to them, gently and clearly. I’ll delve more into this subject in the coming months via video. But for now, begin by separating your energy with others using 5 neutral separations. Remind yourself of 5 neutral differences between you and them. Perhaps they are a different gender than you or a different age or have different colored eyes, etc. As long as the differences you are using are neutral, the energy will separate. It’s similar to turning over two magnets and realizing you can’t push them together; this is the neutrality.
Next, say a little mantra for them. I like to say to their spirit:
May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be filled with love.
May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be filled with love.
Then send their energy off to their spirit for the highest good of all concerned.
Remember to empower yourself around this ability. You created empathic awareness for a reason. And it is here to help you and others. It’s an incredible gift to have empathy for another. To be able to put yourself in the shoes of another is the seed from which compassion can grow. And during this time of a global pandemic, compassion is needed now more than ever. YOU are needed now more than ever.
I hope this message helps you feel more love for yourself and more compassion for others.
I am still offering discounts for individual readings and packages. And all of my digital meditations and teachings are free. This is my way of supporting you during this time of great change.
May all beings benefit!
Sweet Blessings to you,