THE GREAT UNMASKING: Love In The Time Of Corona

My Friend Carol asked me how I was doing yesterday and I said, “Mostly good, but sometimes I feel a bit like a dog with a hat on and I’m shaking under the coffee table, hoping the humans will turn down that action/adventure movie they’re watching.” This is such a big and truly unprecedented time. We really are living out history in this moment by moment episode of life. Right here, right now, our masks are coming off. These deep wounds our culture and our world have had for centuries are surfacing. It’s as if the skin grew over this collective wounding years and years ago. And this wound never healed. Humanity’s wound. It remained under the surface as the skin slowly and methodically grew over it. Now, at this time, these wounds have suddenly been lanced and are finally getting the air they need to truly heal. They’re smelly and hard to look at. But like anything born of shame, and I do feel all these wounds were born of shame, they need to be witnessed. Shame needs a witness. The hardest thing to do sometimes is to turn toward suffering and hold space. But we must. We must hold space while our brothers and sisters around us speak of their wounding and suffering. We must speak our truth of, perhaps, shame, complacency and even denial and fear. We must speak the truth of feeling separate and all that that brings. And we must heal these ancestral wounds once and for all; collectively. As I’ve mentioned before, we aren’t leaving on the enlightenment bus until everyone is on board. 

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

“But the truth is, when you are coming from a place of self-love, vulnerability is easy. It’s actually a relief. The process begins with moving out of your ego space of needing to be perfect or right or defend any part of you and into your heart.” P…

“But the truth is, when you are coming from a place of self-love, vulnerability is easy. It’s actually a relief. The process begins with moving out of your ego space of needing to be perfect or right or defend any part of you and into your heart.” Photo by sam su.

So where do we begin? Like I said, if you’re anything like me, sometimes you feel oddly good considering the energies swirling around you right now. And other times you feel like you really wish somebody would turn the volume down so you can settle your nerves. I feel like we need to begin with giving ourselves and each other permission to be vulnerable. This takes courage. But the truth is, when you are coming from a place of self-love, vulnerability is easy. It’s actually a relief. The process begins with moving out of your ego space of needing to be perfect or right or defend any part of you and into your heart. From your heart center, the truth will flow and you will find your loved ones will recognize your truth. They will accept this and perhaps even be prompted to go into their hearts and reveal their truth. It’s a pretty miraculous exchange really. Once we feel we can reveal our truth through self-love and self-acceptance, then we can, not only speak our truth but give others permission to do the same. This is when the healing begins. Because we are not separate, one of us shifting our vibration, effects the whole of humanity. This is how important you are. This is how much your hidden shame, hatred, blame, fear and worthless feelings create the skin that will grow back over the wounds. And this is how much your love, vulnerability, compassion and acceptance will shift us all into the light so the wounding can, once and for all, heal.

I hope this message finds you and finds you well. I am continuing my discounts for readings through the month of June as a way of supporting you.

Sweet Blessings,