
God's dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family,
that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion.”
Desmond Tutu

Hello Everyone and Happy Holidays!

As the end of this year approaches and we find ourselves celebrating with family and friends, I feel the call to send you all an “energetic permission slip” from Spirit. Your permission slip will say, “Dear _______, It is okay to make boundaries with friends and relatives, it is imperative that you put yourself first every day and it is absolutely necessary for you to take time out each day for YOU.” I know that, by now, you all know these statements to be true. But, can you live them in this now moment, during the big holiday crunch time? Or will it just be easier to push away the little voice in the back of your head that says, “slow down, you’re exhausted, or I don’t want to go but I feel obligated to be there.” The holiday’s are like energetic circuit training. We do these exercises and we can either get stronger in transforming our patterns or we can get more entrenched in our old ways. And it’s important to meet yourself right where you are, right this moment in time, in this now moment with Grace. This holiday season or any time in your life isn’t about getting everything perfect, it’s simply about seeing yourself, honoring yourself and loving yourself through the process of living. We’re in Earth school after all. Let’s all allow ourselves to learn and be vulnerable with Grace, Humility and a good dose of Humor.

This is a great month to listen to and trust your intuition. That’s the little voice in the back of your head that say’s, very quietly, everything you know to be true. It’s the first answer you receive and it will resonate with you in a way that only you can understand. To hear, see or feel your intuition, you’ll need a bit of space and quiet in order to create a receptive mode inside your being. This may be the hardest month to find space and quiet but it will be so very worth the effort. Again, giving yourself Grace around all things will help tremendously. Give time to yourself, even a few moments a day, in order to tune into where you’ve been this past year, what or who no longer serves you and where you’re going. This will help your body integrate and keep it from getting clogged, overworked and sick. This month will have a tendency to feel like a year review. It’s important not to rush through it with commitments and obligations. Rather, allow yourself a few moments a day to be present for what is coming through from Spirit. This will set you up for a beautiful new year!

If you’re looking for an energetic stocking stuffer, a gift certificate for a reading is a great way to help your loved ones stay connected.