Brevard, North Carolina
Many people are experiencing stuck feelings or emotions at this time in our evolution. I frequently hear from clients who are feeling trapped in an emotional pattern or who are reliving the same negative relationship with themselves or others over and over again. Often people call me when their finances are low or when they are deeply unhappy with their chosen life path; they simply don’t feel they are living their purpose. You might be in a bad relationship now or have financial issues where you feel there is not enough for you; ever. Essentially we are talking about lack. Lack of flow in your life, lack of reciprocity from your partner, lack of financial prosperity or lack of clarity about your life’s path.
The thing about energy is it is very much like water. Energy will find the path of least resistance. If you’ve ever sat by a river or a waterfall, you will see how the water is so incredibly resilient. It flows, sometimes gently, sometimes fiercely over, under, around and even through whatever is in its path; but it will always flow. Energy works the same way. Energy moves with us and flows in our lives as long as we are not blocking it. How do we block energy? We block it with negative thoughts, old, outdated belief systems of lack and feelings of worthlessness or self-doubt. When we truly, deep down inside, believe that there is not enough for us, not enough love, not enough money, not enough kindness or peace for us, we make that statement true. Why is this? Because the universe is always saying yes to us. Essentially the universe believes what we believe. For example, if your core belief is that people are basically good and kind, you will have kindness and goodness come to you most often in life. If you believe that people are bad and will take advantage of you, you will run into these types of people most often in life. We truly create our day to day lives. We are in charge!
When you see someone who has a good relationship with themselves or their loved one, it’s because they feel worthy of it; they love themselves and are deeply able to receive love. When you see a person living their purpose and being financially prosperous, it’s because they truly know what they offer is valuable, they believe in themselves and know that they are worth the reciprocity they receive; they understand and believe there will always be enough. Take a moment today and look at what you are truly telling yourself. Not on the surface, this is not a mantra that we chant and magically get what we want. This is actually deep shadow work. What do you truly believe about your life and your circumstances? And how are you actually making these beliefs true? For instance, why are you still learning through not having enough money or love or purpose in your life? Why are you still making this true? Is there anything more for you to learn from doing it this way? Is there anything more for you to learn from worrying about not having enough? My guess is that you have absolutely lived every possible outcome with these old belief systems. You probably just haven’t known, until today, that you are, in fact, in charge.
Great spirit tells me constantly that there is plenty for all! Which means, there is plenty of lack and worthlessness and abuse and doubt and fear, etc. And, there is plenty of love, creativity, money, compassion, purpose, etc. Take a look at what you truly believe, deep down, in the quiet, still depths of your life. Listen to what are you telling yourself. And look at how you’ve been making these beliefs a reality. Then, tell yourself a different story. Begin to teach yourself a different way; through love, acceptance and prosperity. Be like water and flow over, around and through your life no matter what.
I wish you all every single happiness!
Sweet Blessings to you all this day and every day,