Reclaiming Your Inner Child: "Who's at Your Core?" (Mp3)
Reclaiming Your Inner Child: "Who's at Your Core?" (Mp3)
A lot has been written on reclaiming the child within. To me, it's really all about self-love. So many adults suffer from low self-esteem, a lack of self worth and self-acceptanance. Reclaiming lost parts of yourself is a very loving thing to do for YOU.
Until we can go back and reclaim ourselves, we can easily find ourselves in patterns or "loops" in our lives. Think about some of your patterns, whether they are with relationships, jobs, food, weight gain, weight loss or even money. Wherever we find a loop or pattern, there's probably a child back at the control booth just waiting to be heard from.
We often look for outside sources to "fix" us and eventually a nagging voice tells us something is missing. Something is missing and that thing is YOU. Going back, as your adult self, to difficult times in your life when you were a child and felt powerless in a situation can be a very healing and empowering experience.
This meditation will help you discover your inner child, sort out your patterns, and see their root cause. Discover the loving techniques to collect all those lost pieces of you and update them into the present moment.