A Great Need

Hello Everyone,

   This is a great time of shifting and changing as we collectively awaken. It’s as if the ground under our feet is moving and we are being forced into this change. You may feel fear or anxiety now. We all have different automatic responses to change that are ingrained in our psyches. But this is a time to lean into the new and trust. I write to you today, not as someone who “knows” but as someone who is experiencing this time in our collective evolution with you. 

   There is a rhythm to be had right now. I feel it’s about learning how to embrace change, even when it’s scary and even when there is no guarantee that you will succeed. Embrace the change you feel now anyway, even when the old voice in your head says you may fail again like you did before. Trusting is actually quite easy. Think of gliding into gentle waters off the sandy shoreline. You trust that the water will hold you as you put you head in the ocean and let your feet float up behind you. Maybe in the past you got knocked around by the surf and it was scary. But at this time in our lives, we are being asked to trust that the new way, whether it’s a new belief system or new way of meeting ourselves or our lives, will support us and we will thrive.

   Two messages keep coming through to me in my meditations as of late. The first one is to clean all our relations. To me, this means making sure that everyone we have in our lives, whether they are close to us or on the periphery of our life, are in good standing with us and we with them. Are you telling yourself a negative story about someone in your life? Have you lost touch with this person because of this story? Do you have any miscommunications with your family or loved ones? Think of how draining it is to tell yourself these old negative stories. Feel how much energy it takes to block this person from your life. It is time to forgive yourself and them and move on, together.

   The next message I continue to hear now is how essential it is that we help each other. We can’t leave anyone behind and we all need each other now more than ever. Think of someone in your life you haven’t been in touch with in a while. Perhaps you keep putting off the conversation with them because it will take too much of your time or be too hard for you to face. This is the time to reach out to one another, no matter the circumstances, no matter the story and tell the people in your life that you love them. Make sure they know they are seen and loved by you. Offer them your hand and help them climb. This is the only way forward as a collective. And this is our time to witness each other with love; this new era in our collective awakening has no room for anything else.

Sweet Blessings to you all,
